PCG® Vaginal Infections & STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit
PCG® Vaginal Infections & STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit
PCG® Vaginal Infections & STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit

PCG® Vaginal Infections & STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit

PCG® Vaginal Infections & STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit

Intended Use: Detect nucleic acid from 12 sexually transmitted factors includes: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Trichomonas vaginalis (TV), Mycoplasma genitalium (MG), Gardnerella vaginalis (GV), Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU), Ureaplasma parvum (UP), Mycoplasma hominis (MH), Candida albicans (CA), Treponema pallidum (TP), Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)

PCG® STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit is designed for detecting nucleic acids of 12 sexually transmitted pathogens based on the Real-time PCR technique. The use of 3 types of mixture with effectively optimized thermal cycling condition to reduce
reaction time. In addition, the kit contains the Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) system and Internal Control (IC) for contamination prevention and quality control

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Indications for STIs testing:
- People have unprotected sex
- People have sexually transmitted disease symptoms
- Partners have been infected with sexually transmitted pathogens
- Premarital health screening

High specification
Simultaneous detection of 12 sexually transmitted pathogens
100% analysis specificity
High sensitivity
Ensures sensitivity up to 0.5 copies/µL

Contamination prevention
Master Mix contains the Uracil-DNA Glycosylase
(UDG) system eliminating carryover contamination


Sample Urine sample, vaginal smear sample
Detection Limit Panel Target Reaction concentration
Panel A NG 5 copies/ rxn
CA 2.5 copies/ rxn
CT 5 copies/ rxn
MH 25 copies/ rxn
Panel B MG 5 copies/ rxn
HSV-1 2.5 copies/ rxn
TV 25 copies/ rxn
UU 5 copies/ rxn
Panel C GV 2.5 copies/ rxn
UP 25 copies/ rxn
HSV-2 5 copies/ rxn
TP 5 copies/ rxn
Specificity 100%
Running time 1 hour
Compatible device CFX96/ CFX96 Dx system
Storage -25ºC to -15ºC


Đang cập nhật

Order information


Product name Package REF
PCG® Vaginal Infections & STIs Fast Real-time PCR Kit
50 tests PR2200050
100 tests PR2200100




Highest Quality of Products

Best possible sensitivity and specificity, Easy-to-Use concept

Customer Support

Expert on the line, professional consultation

ISO 13485:2016 certification

Phacogen factory is EN ISO 13485:2016 certified, complying with TUV Rheinland
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