Wednesday, 27/07/2022 | 10:49



1. Course introduction

During pregnancy, a small amount of fetal DNA during pregnancy is released and circulates freely in the mother's bloodstream, called cell-free DNA (cfDNA). With the next-generation gene sequencing technology NGS-Illumina, we can analyze cfDNA to diagnose genetic diseases of the fetus without invasive interventions. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) detects genetic abnormalities early in the pregnancy without doing any harm to the fetus, including Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, Turner syndrome, and other numerical abnormalities of chromosomes. 

The course “NON-INVASIVE PRENATAL TESTING (NIPT) BY NGS – ILLUMINA” is introduced by the Phacogen Institute of Technology for the first time in Vietnam that offers the most cutting-edge prenatal screening technologies. Phacogen Institute of Technology focuses on training, building the network to help doctors and laboratory specialists have access to new solutions in screening and early diagnosis of genetic diseases. 

2. Teaching method

  • Team-based learning: encourage critical thinking, creativity, and proactive learning through group discussions, and group presentations
  • On-the-job training: Students observe and practice alongside the lecturers
  • Teaching equipment: A 300 m2 Lab with modern equipment from many well-known manufacturers around the world

3. Course objectives

  • Comprehend the importance of prenatal screening
  • Comprehend the principles of the next generation sequencing technology 
  • Comprehend the library preparation steps on the Hamilton system and the sequencing steps on the NextSeq system
  • Practice the library preparation on the Hamilton system and sequencing on the NextSeq system
  • Analyze test results and counsel clients

4. Syllabus

  • The role and significance of non-invasive prenatal screening 
  • Pros and cons of current prenatal screening methods 
  • Overview of some NextSeq Dx next-generation sequencing methods of Illumina 
  • Collect patient specimens. Specimen quality requirements
  • Operate automated library preparation system on Hamilton system
  • Perform library normalization and sequencing on the NextSeq Dx system of Illumina. 
  • Issues with library preparation quality and relevant solutions 
  • Analyse results via NIPT Server 
  • Course summary. Q&A and Certificate awarding ceremony 

5. Course information

  • Course Code: SK - 03
  • Subjects: Doctors, bachelors or engineers specialized in testing in healthcare facilities; bachelors of Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry 
  • Training time: 04 days (8 lessons/day) 
  • Number of students: 12 - 16 students per class 
  • Course opening: Open every month upon the number of applications 
  • Registration package:

- 01 Application form of Phacogen Institute of Technology HERE

- 01 notarized copy of university or college diploma  

- 01 notarized copy of identity card or citizen identification



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